Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Beautiful Saturday October 22nd

I work up at 0700 & thought I would get caught up on these posts.   The internet was down so I read my book club book "Tending Roses" instead.   What a gorgeous morning and day it has been!!!!   Loved it!!!

The trees are amazing.  Had a fairly lazy day.    Summer is moving, so we helped her move furniture in the afternoon, then I went to Wheeler Farm with the grand kids.   Kaia was so cute.  She loved the wagon ride and the pumpkin patch.   If I knew how to put pictures on this blog I would share one with you. 
While we were at Wheeler Farm, Staci read me a message from my "little bro", Jason that lives in AZ.  I am assuming it was on face book.  So nice!  He is always a rock. 
Thanks for the chocolate brownies, Diane.   Another great card to add to the "crushing" of the pathology report.

As far as my "situation", I have decided against a preventative mastectomy on the left side.   I will talk to the plastic surgeon for her opinion on Tuesday about this as well, but SERIOUSLY enough is enough.


  1. What ever you decide you will be beautifull inside and out. love mom

  2. Thinking of you Vikki & sending lot's of hugs & prayers your way! God bless you!!

    Alisha Burke Kvamme

  3. Hi Vik!
    I just read your blog ( your daughters are right, and beautiful, i might add!) and i shudder how similar your experiences have been to mine. I have been there and look back with relief. All is well for me and I wish the same for you. Good luck with your path ahead. My heart and my thoughts are with you. Dianne Sano
